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Goji Berries

Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, are one of the most nutritionally-rich fruits on the planet. Praised for thousands of years in Asia for health benefits including longevity, vitality, and energy.

BENEFITS: Known as the anti-aging superfood, goji berries are an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamins A and C, amino acids, potassium, iron, zinc, and more. It could protect your eyesight, promote skin health,boosts immune
system and good for liver, kidney.

Flax Seeds

As one of nature's most perfect health foods, flax seeds are one of the oldest cultivated crops in history. Our ancestors revered this superseed which is now being rediscovered all over the world.

BENEFITS: Flax seed is extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids, specifically alpha-linolenic acid. Flax Seeds are an excellent source of fiber. They also have iron and calcium, which may assist in supporting strong bones.

Sweet Dates

Chinese sweet jujube are one of the most popular foods used for health. Healthy Family jujube was came from Xinjiang, China. All natural, no sugar added and chemical free.

BENEFITS: In Chinese they’ve been labeled as “the king of fruits” (百果之王 bǎi guǒ zhī wáng) for their rich nutritional value. Seventy to 80 times higher in Vitamin C than grapes and apples. It also tonifying blood and improving insomnia.



營養價值: 養血安神,健脾益胃,美白祛斑,延緩衰老
使用方法: 可直接食用。大火蒸40分鐘。燉湯,煲粥。
儲存方法: 密封常溫12個月,開袋請盡快食用



營養價值: 滋肝補腎,益精明目,延緩衰老,營養豐富。
使用方法: 洗淨,沸水浸泡2-3分鐘可喝水吃果。也可直接食用,泡水,泡酒,熬粥燉湯。


Chia Seeds

Chia seeds were cultivated long ago by the Aztecs and the Maya. The name “chia” comes from the word chian, meaning “oily” in the Aztec language of Nahuatl. Dr. Oz from the Oprah show says,"They just may be one of the healthiest things around."

BENEFITS: Help weight loss. Feel fuller faster. Hydration for athletes. Reduce your blood pressure. More Omega-3 than salmon. Great benefits for diabetics.



營養價值: 代餐減肥,潤腸通便,輔助控制血糖,血脂。

食用方法:5克奇雅子放入300ml冷水泡半個小時後 (溫水15分鐘),可直接飲用,也可添加到酸奶,飲料,粥和麵包等食品。餐前飲用會有飽腹感,起到瘦身減肥作用。
儲存方法: 奇雅子為抗氧化食品,密封常溫24個月.



營養價值: 鹼性食品。含豐富,優質完全蛋白質,礦物質和纖維素。
食用方法: 過多加工會損失藜麥珍貴的營養,建議直接混合其他穀物煮粥,蒸飯食用,也可炒熟沖茶 飲用
儲存方法: 通風乾燥,防蟲蛀。24個月。


Quinoa is among the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet. Dr. Weil says, “Quinoa’s protein is complete, containing all nine essential amino acids - a rarity in the plant kingdom… a must-add to your culinary repertoire.”

BENEFITS: Only one grain provide complete protein, contains nearly twice as much dietary fiber as other grains. Good source of minerals like phosphorous, magnesium and iron.



營養價值: 含豐富OMEGA3,減肥消脂,提升抗壓力,促進腦健康。
食用方法: 用粉碎機把亞麻籽打成粉,可添加入主食,麵包,飲料。
儲存方法: 整亞麻籽常溫保存12個月。亞麻籽粉冰箱密封儲存1週。